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?「ナショナリズム論から見たモロ諸族の政治運動 第1部」沖縄大学地域研究所『所報』23号、2001年10月
"Political Movements of the Moros from the Perspective of nationalism Part1" , 『Shoho』No.23, Okinawa University Regional Research Institute. Oct. 2001.

?「ナショナリズム論から見たモロ諸族の政治運動 第2部」沖縄大学地域研究所『所報』26号、2002年2月
"Political Movements of the Moros from the Perspective of nationalism Part2", 『Shoho』No.26, Okinawa University Regional Research Institute. Feb. 2002.

"Resistance Movement of the Moros under the American Rule", 『Annual Report』No.16, Okinawa University Regional Research Institute. Mar. 2002.

"Contradictions between Governance Approaches for Developing Nations: Transformation of the Developing Strategies of International Organizations for Developing Nations, Transformation of the Theory of the State, and the Contradictions between the Two Approaches", 『Area Studies』No.1, Okinawa University Regional Research Institute, June. 2005.

?「フィリピン地方都市における非伝統的政治のダイナミクス:非伝統的政治家の可能性と限界」名古屋大学大学院 国際開発研究科『国際開発フォーラム』35号、2007年8月
"Dynamics of Non-Traditional Politics in a Philippine City: The Possibilities and Limitations of Non-Traditional Politicians", 『International Development Forum』No.35, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Aug. 2007.

"The Development of Theory of Local Political Power in the Philippines", 『Kanazawa University Economic Review』 37(2), Mar. 2017.

"Acquisition of local political power by Filipino civil society forces", 『Peace Studies』No.50, Peace Studies Association of Japan, Dec. 2018.

"Security of the Philippines by Becoming the Client State of the U.S. after the Cold War", 『East Asian Community and Okinawa (Ryukyu) Studies』No.3, East Asian Community and Okinawa (Ryukyu) Studies Association ed, Aug. 2019.

"Philippine Diplomacy of Duterte administration---Security Policies of a small State sandwiched between Super Powers: its independence andsubordination, and peace---", 『East Asian Community and Okinawa (Ryukyu) Studies』No.4, East Asian Community and Okinawa (Ryukyu) Studies Association ed, Nov. 2020.


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