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?TAMAI,Masataka, Common Security in Northeast Asia – From the European Perspectives, The 21st East Asian Seminar on the United Nation Systems, Beijing,2022.
?TAMAI,Masataka, Energy Security, Economic Sanction and the OSCE: From Economic Dimension to Security Dimension-,International Studies Association 2021,Las Begas,2022.
?TAMAI,Masataka, OSCE and Divided Eurasia: How does OSCE work?,The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars,Kyoto,2021.
?TAMAI,Masataka,North East Asian Security and European experience-Can Mongolia play a role like Finland in the North East Asia?」Global Conference on Advances in Business and Social Science(GCABSS-2019),Tokyo,2019.
?TAMAI,Masataka,Cultural CSBM and North East Asia -From the viewpoint of the CSCE experiences-19th East Asia Seminar on the United Nations System,Seoul,2019.
?TAMAI,Masataka,The exchange of information and the role of media in North East Asia-Asian and European Situation-.the 18th East Asian Seminar on the United Nations System,Beijing,2018.
?TAMAI,Masataka,Regional Organization and the UN -How does the co-operate with the UN?-、18th Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems,Roma,2018.
?TAMAI,Masataka,The OSCE, Finland and Mongolia-Can Mongol Play a Role Like Finland in the North East Asia?」ULAANBAATAR DIALOGUE ON NORTHEAST ASIAN SECURITY,Ulaanbaatar,2018.
?TAMAI,Masataka,Minority Rights Regime in the OSCE and UN.Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems,Seoul,2017.
?TAMAI,Masataka,OSCE and Sanctions-How European Organizations work or Not Work in the Ukraine Conflict」Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems,New York,2016.
?TAMAI,Masataka,Barents Sea and Japan- How can we think relationship between two areas?Oulu University Sumposium”Barents Sea and Baltic Sea”,Oulu,2015.
?TAMAI,Masataka, MIYAWAKI,Noboru&KONDO,Atsushi,Understanding the History of International Politics:A Retrospective and Repeated Type of Gaming and Simulation in the Classroom.ISAGA(The International Simulation And Gaming Association)2015,Kyoto,2015.
?TAMAI,Masataka,40 Years of CSCE from an Asian Perspective」ISA-CISS(International Studies Association ? Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section)2015,”40 Years of CSCE from an Asian Perspective”,Cracow,2015.
?TAMAI,Masataka,OSCE and Economic Sanction in the Ukrainian Conflict,Institut fur Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universitat Hamburg,ワーク ショップ”A New Cold War? A New Era of Russian-Western Relations″,Hamburg,2015.

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